Sal Vyrome - Micro Virome Maintenance
360 Sal Vyrome - Micro Virome Maintenance


Micro Virome Maintenance

SAL VYROME revolutionizes our approach to our virome. Our virome is an amazing part of our microbiome, including phage and other microorganisms. SAL VYROME provides a novel functional prebiotic designed to support a healthy microbiota. A healthy microbiota is a crucial part of gastrointestinal and metabolic health.

Order now from Systemic Formulas, or call 1-800-445-4647 for more information.

SKU: 380 Category:

Product Information

In Depth

This MYBYOME formula revolutionizes the natural health approach to assisting the body’s normal microbial balance of prebiotic and probiotic influences via the part of the microbiome called the virome. The virome is an amazing part of the human microbiome and includes “phage” and other microorganisms. Utilizing the virome component of the body’s microbiome, this “phage” product focuses exclusively on helping the body manage its innate balance between diverse microbiome and normal levels of Salmonella species, in the Enterobacteriaceae family.

Biophages have a long-established presence in supporting a healthy microbiome through their ability to inhabit and replicate inside of specific bacterial species. This product provides practitioners a safe and effective method of improving the microbiome via Nature’s self-limiting process of microbial balance, while completely avoiding collateral damage associated with other methodologies.

Suggested Use

1 dropper full, twice per day, or as directed by your health practitioner.

Note: Best administered by itself, away from other pathogen-disruptive formulas.

Key Components

Prebiotic Blend
Dipotassium Phosphate


MYBYOME Certified

No Dairy
No Dairy
No Egg
No Egg
Gluten Free
Gluten Free
No Sugar
No Sugar